
Thursday, August 18, 2016

What Are Girlfriend's For

John was beside himself when Becky, his girlfriend, told him she preferred girls. John was so deep in love he already had the ring purchased. He had big plans for life with Becky. At least she still wants to be friends.

The surprises didn’t stop there. Becky hugged John and told him she wants to spend her life with him, but she will never feel satisfied with a man; she needs a woman to feel whole. John had no idea what to do. Then Becky smiled and held up a ticket. “You have a date with a nanobot bath at TG Inc., honey.” John’s heart missed a beat. Was he ready to lose his manhood forever? What was he thinking? This is Becky he is talking about! Of course he could do it.

Later that day Lacy was born. Now that same-sex marriage is the law of the land, Lacy and Becky got married. The lovebirds are inseparable. It does feel funny to John that he is smaller, shorter than Becky. It does not matter. Becky has always treated John with kindness and respect. Lacy enjoyed Becky’s gentle touch. It is certainly better than it was when she was John.

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